It’s too early for this

It’s too early to say we are in a world of opportunity.

It’s too early to say I am excited about the opportunity.

It’s too early to say because we have death ahead of us. We have economic pain, family pain, emotional pain and a change in the way of our lives. It’s going to be a certain kind of fear and hell for months. I know that and I feel it. I’m afraid for my family too because mum and dad, many hours away from me, are both in the very at risk category.

But we have ahead of us a change in the way of our lives.

This is a time for innovation. It is a time for healing the world, it is a time for doing things differently because we have to, and doing things differently because we should.

There is no going back. If we can prove that we can work so flexibly under difficult circumstances, if we can prove that we can connect appropriately, maintain connections, grow innovation and start ups, nurture our medical profession, elevate and appreciate our front line cleaners, supermarket workers, aged care carers, enjoy the outdoors differently, if we can prove we can appreciate the climate, strengthen our families, rebuild our economy more sustainably, embrace innovative thinking and make it mainstream, we can be in a better place.

The circumstances in which we find ourselves mean we have an opportunity to understand what is actually important, reconsider or confirm our values and stick to them, love, love, just love.

This weekend I spent time exploring virtual face to face communication tools today to keep in touch. Ended up with a bunny ears and nose and a beer keg hat talking to my friend in Messenger and googling Ewok’s with my 7 year old niece on Skype. ‬

If this situation means that through necessity I find gratitude in what I have and love, in multiple Skype sessions with my 7 and 4 year old nieces, I’ll take it.

As the Victorian Government starts to shut non essential services for our own good, we have a world of fear – and hopefully hope- to get through first.

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